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As we age, in an ideal world, we’d all remain living independently at home as long as is possible.  It goes without saying that it’s easier on the individual who needs more support along with their families, both emotionally and financially.

It is however not without its challenges and the latest report from the ESRI published in February 2022 on behalf of Slaintecare, which aims to support people within the community has some recommendations that are worth being mindful of.

The Department of Health is currently looking at how financially, support to our aging population can be sustained at the levels we will need in the future as the numbers in this sector of the community continue to grow.

Suggestions at this point include;


  • A flat-rate contribution at €5 per support hour, something that would impact most greatly on those with a lower income.
  • Means-tested contributions designed to protect those below a specific threshold.
  • Caps on the contributions required to minimise poverty in this age group.


Whatever programme they propose however is unlikely to be popular, this is a vulnerable sector of our community and the risk of people not asking for the support they really need because of cost will need to be factored into a viable plan.

While Technology Enabled Care may not have been part of the scope for this report, it is disappointing that it is not mentioned as a possible way to ease the pressure on the Home Care Sector. Huge benefits can be accrued both in terms of cost savings and more importantly, supporting Aging in Place.

You can view further detail on this report at

User contributions towards home support can be designed to protect those on lowest incomes | ESRI